Causes Of The American Revolution Worksheet Pdf

Unveiling the causes of the American Revolution Worksheet PDF, this comprehensive resource delves into the pivotal events and factors that ignited the American colonists’ quest for independence. From colonial grievances to intellectual influences, this worksheet provides a structured exploration of the historical backdrop that shaped the course of American history.

Delving into the intricacies of British rule, the worksheet examines the discontent that simmered among American colonists. Specific policies and events that fueled resentment are analyzed, shedding light on the growing tensions that led to the outbreak of revolution.

Colonial Grievances: Causes Of The American Revolution Worksheet Pdf

American colonists grew increasingly discontent with British rule due to a range of grievances. These included:

Taxation without Representation

  • Colonists resented being taxed by the British Parliament without having any representation in the body.
  • The Stamp Act of 1765, which imposed a tax on printed materials, sparked widespread protests.

Economic Policies

  • British economic policies, such as the Navigation Acts, restricted colonial trade and manufacturing.
  • Colonists sought greater economic freedom and autonomy.

Political Representation

  • Colonists demanded greater political representation in their own affairs.
  • They believed that they should have the right to govern themselves.

Economic Factors

British economic policies had a significant impact on the American colonies:


  • Colonists resented the imposition of taxes by the British Parliament, particularly those without representation.
  • Taxes such as the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act were seen as unfair and oppressive.

Trade Restrictions

  • The Navigation Acts restricted colonial trade to British ships and markets.
  • These restrictions limited colonial economic growth and prosperity.

Land Policies

  • British land policies favored large landowners and speculators.
  • Colonists struggled to acquire land and establish farms.

Political Representation

Causes of the american revolution worksheet pdf

Colonists demanded greater political representation as they believed in the principle of “no taxation without representation”:

No Taxation without Representation

Colonists argued that they should not be taxed by a government in which they had no voice.

Stamp Act, Causes of the american revolution worksheet pdf

The Stamp Act of 1765 sparked widespread protests and resistance in the colonies.

The act required colonists to purchase stamps for printed materials, which they saw as a violation of their rights.

Intellectual Influences

Enlightenment ideas had a profound influence on the American colonists:

Locke and Montesquieu

  • John Locke’s ideas on natural rights and limited government inspired colonial leaders.
  • Montesquieu’s theory of separation of powers influenced the structure of the American government.

Social Contract

Colonists believed in the social contract theory, which held that governments derived their authority from the consent of the governed.

Social and Cultural Factors

Social and cultural differences between the colonists and the British contributed to tensions:

Immigration and Religious Diversity

  • The colonies were a melting pot of different ethnicities and religions.
  • This diversity fostered a sense of American identity distinct from that of the British.

British vs. Colonial Values

  • British values emphasized hierarchy and tradition, while colonial values stressed individualism and self-reliance.
  • These differing values created a growing cultural divide.

Key Questions Answered

What were the primary colonial grievances that fueled the American Revolution?

The colonists resented British policies such as taxation without representation, trade restrictions, and land policies that encroached upon their autonomy.

How did economic factors contribute to the American Revolution?

British economic policies, such as taxation and trade restrictions, hindered the economic growth of the American colonies and created widespread discontent.

What was the significance of the Stamp Act in the American Revolution?

The Stamp Act, which imposed a tax on printed materials, became a symbol of British tyranny and sparked widespread protests and resistance among the colonists.

How did Enlightenment ideas influence the American Revolution?

Enlightenment ideas, emphasizing individual rights, limited government, and popular sovereignty, provided a philosophical foundation for the colonists’ demands for greater autonomy and self-governance.

What was the global impact of the American Revolution?

The American Revolution inspired other independence movements around the world, including the French Revolution, and became a symbol of liberty and democracy.